We believe that healthy pastures raise healthy cows and calves. Healthy pastures are well managed to maintain enough grazing residual to protect the soil’s delicate microbiological balance. We believe that chemical fertilizers and sprays can easily upset this balance. Hay is fed strategically to enhance soil microbiology.
Cows and Calves are raised on milk, pasture, hay and minerals for the most part. They are supplemented with custom-formulated feeds as need dictates.
Cows are given fresh pasture daily or in some cases every three days. Grazing is a strategic art form that must be planned out 6-12 months in advance. Cows are never housed in a barn. At Cruze Farm, calves are raised either by nurse cows or on the bottle depending on the individual needs of every cow and calf. At any given time, we typically have three herds: a herd of lactating cows, a herd that includes dry cows, bred heifers, and nurse cows and calves, and lastly a herd of young heifers. All animals are bull-bred, seasonally, to optimize calf health, transition cow health, and milk production. Calves and Cows are vaccinated regularly.
We believe that Jersey milk from pastured cows makes the best milk and ice cream, because Jerseys produce the richest milk, and because vibrant soil microbiology can contribute to vibrant milk. Happy (unstressed) cows make the tastiest milk. We strive to deliver the milk fresh and to keep it cold always.
We are a Low-Temperature Long-Time Pasteurization processing facility. We do not believe in the homogenization, clarification or short-time pasteurization of milk. Each of these processes adulterates the milk in different ways.
Positivity and happiness is a positive feedback loop. Happy soils make happy grass which makes happy cows. Happy people treat cows gently. Happy cows nourish us with their milk and make us happy. Positive energy is at the root of mother nature’s desire to grow us. She created the sun so that we may never want for energy and she has provided us with roadmap to happiness. Cruze Farm believes strongly in the power of positivity.